Thursday, May 31, 2012

Reducing Alzheimer's risk with physical activity

Alzheimer's disease usually strikes in the later stages of life and can make life quite hard for the people having it, and even more to their siblings.

But a new study reveals that a risk of this disease can be greatly reduces simply by being involved with any type of regular physical activity, whether that's doing a simple household chores, like washing dishes, cooking, or going for a walk on daily basis.

During a 3.5 year long follow up, 71 people have developed the disease, and it turns out the majority of people with low physical and mental activity have, in fact, developed Alzheimer's.

Even playing cards or involving your brain more often can greatly reduce the risk of dementia.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

The True Power of Green Tea

It's not really a secret that green tea is powerful in many ways, but what exactly does green tea do for us? Is it dangerous if taken in the excessive amount and can it actually cure cancer?

Green tea itself cannot just magically cure cancer, obviously, but it can help, and can help out a lot. Studies have shown that green tea can reduce the growth rate of a tumor and can also kill the cells that are growing inappropriately.

It also has powerful antioxidants called catechins, which search for free radicals, which is known to damage the DNA and also contribution in cancer growth.

People unhappy with the their body weight should definitely consume green tea daily, as it increases the metabolism and reduces the cholesterol level, meaning it is also good for your hearth.

All in all, green tea appears to be something we should be all using at least once a day, but it has been shown that taking in excessive amount of it can be quite dangerous, though not everything is yet known about the green tea, so my advice would be to take it, but as everything else, take it in moderation.